What Canadians think of the news media

Written by Allan Gregg. Published by Policy Options. In preparing its report The Shattered Mirror, the Public Policy Forum partnered with the Canadian Journalism Foundation and engaged the Earnscliffe Strategy Group to conduct research that would provide a consumer perspective on the subject in question: news, trust and democracy in the digital age. We conducted six focus groups,…

Young voters will matter

Written by Hilary Martin In 2015, young voters in this country bucked the trend of low voter turnout among their age group and played a decisive role in the election. Four years later, voters under 35 are perhaps more politically engaged (look no further for evidence than the youth who rallied around the world last…

2024 U.S. elections: What’s at stake for Canada?

Written by Geoff Norquay, with contributions from Elly Alboim and Bud Locklear. Americans go to the polls on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. While much attention is focused on the battle between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris for the presidency, 33 of the 100 seats in the U.S. Senate will also be contested, and all 435…

Did Ontario political advertising fall into the social media void? 

Written by Megan Buttle and Hilary Martin With the final results of the Ontario election behind us, our digital strategy and opinion research teams are looking back on the past month’s activities to see what can be learned from political parties’ approaches to engaging the electorate.   Many pundits and political commentators were quick to point out…

Is Canada ripe for populism? And is that necessarily bad?

Earnscliffe survey shows that half of voters hold opinions that are preconditions for electing populists. Populism has rapidly become a cultural force causing enormous change in the political landscape of democracies all over the world.  As a result, the term has dominated political dialog for the past few years, but it’s also a term that…

End of sitting

Federal-provincial relations Health care stand-off continues The health care system continues to struggle with capacity and critical staff shortages and faces major challenges in addressing huge surgery backlogs and the delivery of basic services. More than six million Canadians do not have a family doctor. Nationally, the pediatric care system is overwhelmed, with some children’s…

Giulia Turco

Giulia Turco is a dynamic communications professional who excels in delivering strategic solutions and developing award-winning campaigns across diverse sectors including biotechnology, retail, travel, real estate, infrastructure, and government. Giulia thrives on identifying innovative solutions that enhance brand reputation, drive thought leadership, attract investment, and achieve policy outcomes. With a Bachelor of Commerce from UBC’s…

ON-Election polling: tracking Ontario voters’ shifting support, part 2

In the wake of the Ontario provincial budget, Earnscliffe is releasing the second wave of our weekly tracking of Ontario voter intentions. This week’s data is based on an online survey of 1,001 Ontarians of voting age conducted between April 29-May 1, 2022 and shows the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario (PC) at 35% of decided and leaning vote, with a seven percentage point lead over the Ontario Liberal Party (OLP) (28%), while the Ontario New Democratic Party (ONDP) sits at 24%.

Pandemic lessons for fixing Canada’s health care system

Written by Geoff Norquay for Policy Magazine. Click here to read the original. As with all crises, the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed strengths and weaknesses in Canada’s health care system at all levels: public health, active treatment and physician services. While our jurisdictional architecture has proven both good and bad during the crisis, governments at…

Solving the problems with polling

Written by Allan Gregg. Published in Policy Magazine. Among the issues that have dominated the political and policy discourse over the past decade, the state of post-internet public opinion polling has been among the most contentious. Given the misinformation and propaganda fogging the political landscape, are polls still an accurate reflection of reality? We went to one…

The new normal? Canadians say they don’t want it to look much like the old one

Written by Susan Delacourt, National columnist, Toronto Star, featuring Earnscliffe’s newly-released polling data. Click here to read the original.  The “new normal” that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau warned Canadians about back in April is now upon the nation, as the gradual reopening begins. The picture of that condition got clearer this week. The new normal keeps…

The 2019 federal election – what could still happen?

By Allan Gregg and Hilary Martin Like virtually all the other publicly available polls, our own Earnscliffe nation-wide research shows the Liberals and Conservatives locked in a virtual dead heat. Moreover, regional results compared to the actual vote in 2015 similarly suggest that neither major party has a clear pathway to majority government. Compared to

The political promise paradox

Written by Doug Anderson and Cassie Grenier. The various party leaders have made a dizzying number of specific policy promises and commitments over the past few weeks.  Our research sought to investigate what impact these promises may be having on voters’ willingness to consider each party. Overall recall of a specific promise from Andrew Scheer,…

Canadians Have Trust Issues with Politicians

Written by Doug Anderson We may trust the ones we vote for, but rarely politicians in general Canadians heard the prime minister talk recently about an “erosion of trust” between a minister and his office, but the phrase also describes a general public trend relating to politicians and their esteem among voters.  Even before the…

ON-Election Polling: tracking Ontario voters’ shifting support

Written by Doug Anderson, Allan Gregg and Hilary Martin Approaching the budget and the starting line, the horse race has already begun.  In advance of the Ontario provincial budget, Earnscliffe has begun our weekly tracking of Ontario voter intentions. This week’s data is based on an online survey of 1,000 Ontarians of voting age conducted between…

Parliament resumes

The House of Commons and the Senate resume sitting today, following the summer adjournment. With the recent election of Pierre Poilievre as Conservative leader, the fall parliamentary sitting will see a new face in the opposition leader’s chair, and a government trying to get on top of a summer of inflation and increases to the cost-of-living for Canadians.

Federal election polling update: week 2

Conservatives cut Liberal lead in half in first week As if anyone needed a reminder, the first week of the campaign has provided more evidence that campaigns matter. The changes in popular vote are small, not even statistically significant, but at these levels, even small shifts are important if they are accurate. Liberal support went…

Analysis: do negative messages resonate?

Are Campaign Criticisms of the Liberals and Conservatives Hitting the Mark? The 44th general election has seen its fair share of negative messaging, particularly in the closing weeks. Strategists use this type of messaging knowing it can trigger an emotional response in voters and play a role in their final vote choice. The degree to