
Indigenous relations advisory services

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Strengthening relationships

Earnscliffe Strategies recognizes the need for and supports reconciliation work in Canada. Our range of advisory services is designed to support Indigenous Nations in their engagement with governments at all levels. Additionally, we work with organizations aiming to foster collaboration with Indigenous communities, providing advisory services, strategic communication, strategic planning, research and training to help them navigate the path toward reconciliation effectively. We specialize in helping all parties understand each other and clearly communicate their interests.

A rights-recognition approach to our work

Indigenous engagement + reconciliation

Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples is how business is done in Canada. We work with clients to develop and implement Indigenous Engagement Plans bringing stakeholders together with Indigenous Peoples, on a range of issues, leading to mutually beneficial outcomes and sustainable relationships. Additionally, we help clients in devising approaches and strategies for implementing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Calls to Action.

UNDRIP + Indigenous governance

UNDRIP is a reconciliation framework that can address a range of issues. Free, Prior, Informed Consent (FPIC) is a specific right embedded within the universal right to self-determination recognized in UNDRIP. FPIC enable Indigenous Peoples to negotiate the conditions under which a project will be designed, implemented, monitored and evaluated.

We work with clients to operationalize this principle on projects that affect Indigenous interests.

Self-determination + economic reconciliation

All relations with Indigenous Peoples must be based on recognition and implementation of their right to self-determination, including the inherent right of self-government.

We work with clients to ensure understanding and adherence to UNDRIP and Indigenous communities’ rights to self-governance, fiscal, social & economic autonomy, protection of the environment and benefit from resources. 

Indigenous Insights

Indigenous Insights is a proprietary Earnscliffe Strategies product and Canada’s first subscription-based quarterly study of Indigenous public opinion. Each survey covers core questions and addresses pressing regional and national issues. It uniquely identifies Indigenous opinions and stands as the sole syndicated study dedicated to this field.

Our carefully selected suppliers include Indigenous-owned partners, ensuring a diverse sample drawn from Indigenous networks. Subscribers can suggest topics and explore custom questions, making Indigenous Insights an essential resource for informed decision-making.

Government relations + policy

This service is offered to Nations seeking to advance their policy issues, claims process or seeking support for infrastructure projects on behalf of their Nation. We can help Nations gain an understanding of government processes, timing and a broader picture of decision-making and the key decision-makers involved in their issue. The Earnscliffe team has successfully worked with Nations to arrive at successful outcomes, more quickly.

Working with us, the team matches their understanding with governments with a respectful approach to each Nation and their histories and interests. 

Why Earnscliffe?

We are Canada’s leaders in strategic communications, government relations and market research. This is no small claim, but it’s one we own every day. With more than 30 years’ experience helping our clients succeed, we know the importance of being in touch with the right perspectives, leveraging top-notch expertise and pooling insights to shape a winning strategy that is a catalyst for change